Moldavite is known metaphysically for its immense influence, a transformation stone like no other, moldavite gemstone is known to bring forth the chaos you have suppressed within you. One might feel that the fears surfaced by this stone is negative energy, however, there is no need to be wary for this is a necessary step that the moldavite is influencing you to take. Forcing you to face the lion inside you can make you realize that it is nothing but a small mouse.
The rarity of Authentic Moldavite crystal has caused its price per gram to rise by 500% in the last 15 years, a rise of 33% per year compared to the 26% annual increase for 24 kt Gold.
The total amount of moldavite in the world is estimated to be about 275 tons' worth. Previously, there were four moldavite mines in operation throughout the Czech Republic, but today only one pit remains, which legally produces moldavite on a commercial level. It is estimated that all gem-quality moldavite will be completely exhausted in about ten years' time.
Authentic Moldavite also known as the 'Bouteille Stone' or as 'Vltavin' in Czech, is an olive-green to dull brown-green vitreous gemstone. The unusual green gem garnered much fame and attention owing to its unusual origin. Moldavite was thought to have been formed by condensed rock vapors after a meteorite impact. Moldavite belongs to the Tektite group of minerals, which is a small family of natural glass rocks. Moldavite is sometimes touted as 'the only known extraterrestrial gemstone on Earth', or as 'the gemstone born from the stars'.
The total amount of moldavite in the world is estimated to be about 275 tons' worth. Previously, there were four moldavite mines in operation throughout the Czech Republic, but today only one pit remains, which legally produces moldavite on a commercial level. It is estimated that all gem-quality moldavite will be completely exhausted in about ten years' time.
Shop Raw Moldavite Specimens by grams:
➡️ .5 grams to 1 gram
➡️ 1.01 Grams to 1.5 Grams
➡️ 1.51 Grams to 2 Grams
➡️ 2.01 Grams to 2.5 Grams
➡️ 5.0 Grams to 5.5 Grams
Authentic Moldavite Uses and Purposes
Moldavite is good for counteracting cynicism and connects even the most world-weary adult with the wonders of the universe. It eases away doubts, even when the cause is unknown, and calms worries about money by providing solutions not previously considered. [Eason, 284]
Carrying or wearing Moldavite in jewelry allows its energies to remain in one's vibrational field throughout the day strengthening its effects and increasing the incidents of beneficial synchronicities in daily life. Because of Moldavite's intense vibration, some may experience light-headedness or a lack of grounding and may need to acclimate themselves gradually to wearing it. [Simmons, 262-263]
Moldavite is a useful stone for star children and sensitive souls who find it difficult being in incarnation on the earth, and who cannot adjust to suffering and deep emotions. Placed on the heart, Moldavite uncovers the reasons and purpose for why one is here, and eases the "homesickness" for those whose origin is not Earth. [Hall, 188-189]
Moldavite works extremely well in combination with other stones, particularly with the crystalline energies of Quartz varieties. It is one of the Synergy Twelve stones, and is ideal for use in making energy tools. Add to wands, headbands, templates, grids and other devices to intensify their effects. [Simmons, 263]
Moldavite is a powerful aid for meditation and dream-work, as well as increasing one's sensitivity to guidance, intuition and telepathy, and the ability to understand messages sent from higher realms. [Simmons, 262-263][Megemont, 126]
Moldavite gemstone comes with a myriad of benefits. From accelerating revitalization to a higher cosmic consciousness, all the while connecting you to your higher self, this stone has everything you need. When it comes to spiritual transformation, many have claimed moldavite gemstones to be their go-to crystal as its intense power can bring on change almost instantaneously.
Moldavite is a tektite, and a stone of intense frequency and high vibration. In ancient times it was thought to be a mystical stone that could bring good luck and fulfillment of wishes.
Moldavite is a stone of the heart, reaching into the deepest inner self and bringing to the surface that which one most needs to recognize, honor, integrate or release. Its resonance brings the heart into union with the mind, allowing them to work together in partnership. The mind in building its creations looks to the heart to see what is worthwhile, and the heart learns to view the self and others with compassion and empathy.
These natural green crystals are powerful aids to create transformation and are thought to be the stone known as "The Holy Grail Stone." This is a high vibration crystal that is very beneficial to aid you to more easily receive messages from the higher realms. These high crystal energy stones have an intense frequency and high vibration which makes them a 'must have' for any who are on the spiritual path.
This transformation may make you aware of your deepest desires and help you to make connections with other worlds and dimensions.
As a healing crystal it is a valuable tool. It is definitely an amazing healing stone with an action to bring deep spiritual growth.
Some people have difficulty with the vibration of this stone, but the impact can vary from person to person and each individual will be affected in different ways. If you are wondering how to use Moldavite, using this stone in meditation is very powerful if you are working on developing psychic abilities.
If you wear this crystal anywhere on your body, or hold a piece of this powerful transforming crystal in your hand during meditation, you may experience a more powerful and meaningful experience.
Meditation is known to be helpful to help relieve stress, and this may partly be because during successful meditation your brain waves slow.
Throughout normal day to day activities your brain operates at what is called the beta state. During meditation the brain waves change from the beta wave, to the slower alpha wave. As you go deeper into the meditative state, you may discover that psychic abilities amplify, and you may find a sense of deep peace.
Wear Moldavite on the chest to stimulate the higher chakras or where it is highly effective to stimulate the heart chakra.
Advice is given to people to use it sparingly until you get used to it. But often it is hard to put aside once you have experienced it.
(Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.)